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Community Development

The development of a healthy economy, where local people participate and benefit, is key to Kapasseni's future. As people (especially women) generate income, their wellbeing increases and they become more empowered and independent. We have supported economic development projects that are stepping stones to sustainable livelihoods for the people of Kapasseni. Each project has helped to reduce poverty and improve the living conditions of everyone in the Kapasseni area. Our goals were focused on community development through training, adult education, job creation initiatives, improving farming methods, agro forestry initiatives, and helping to generate sustainable livelihoods.

Corn Grinding Mill












Kapasseni is fed by its women and girls. They tend the garden plots, harvest the grains and fruits, and prepare the food for meals. It used to take women and girls over four hours to pound the corn into flour, starting at dawn. The hours of arduous labour prevented many girls from completing their schoolwork. In 2002, the Kapasseni women wrote to us and asked for a corn grinding machine, to allow girls more time for studies and also to be an income source to the community, as people from the surrounding area would come to have their grain milled. Through generous donations, and the hard work of development worker Garry Brooks, we were able to provide Kapasseni with a corn mill in 2006.

Village Market














The area bordered by the village school, health centre, wells and gardens forms the small "downtown" where a village market takes place. A local business economy has started, and more money is able to circulate locally and generate further income for local people.

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