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Your donations have enabled 8 local men to become Lutheran Pastors in the local communities in rural Sofala Province of Mozambique.

There are 20 new students who wish to take seminary training beginning in August 2015.

Donations are needed to help with costs for monthly training sessions and a 1-2 month training session provided by the Seminary in Brazil  to prepare these students for ministry.



Registration of Concordia Lutheran Church of Mozambique.


The registration process is now complete and the new official name is has been selected.This is an important and historic step for the growth of the Lutheran Church in Mozambique.



Support for the Mission Work


Donations are needed for the on going mission work. The people are very poor and can not support full time church workers.

The students are being given a very small monthly honorarium to help them provide for their families as they work and study. Your donations help provide this support and it is greatly needed.





 Training Sessions


Donations are needed to support the incountry costs of training  while Professors/Training Pastors are in Mozambique for 1-2 months at a time. Transportation, drivers, lodging and food are needed.

Building Fund


Thank you for your support to build 5 churches in Mozambique in the villages of Sena, Chemba, Murrema, Mbueza and Kapasseni.

The Lutheran Church in Brazil has purchased housing in Sena to use for seminary training sessions.


Prayer Support


Please pray for the students and the mission work  in Mozambique.

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