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Mpango Lutheran Church


Funds raised in 2013-14 helped to build a church in the village of Mpango.

The Mpango Church was completed and furnished in 2014.

Thank you for your donations and support.


The Kapasseni project has provided funds to build and furnish 5 churches.

These building projects are completed in Kapasseni, Sena, Chemba,

Murrema and Mpango. 


3 more churches are going to be built over the next 3 years thanks to the

fund raising being done by our sister church in Brazil. Thanks be to God!



A property with five houses was bought for a very good price while the President of the IELB was in Mozambique in August 2015. It will be used as headquarter of the Church and for the training sessions of the students (a Seminary): Concordia Lutheran Centre.The homes will be adapted to have classes and dorms for the professors and the students. A kitchen, bathrooms and toilets have to be built as well and the property has to be fenced. You are welcome to send your contribution to the development of this new church in Africa through your church in Canada or through Pastor Winterle's USA Missionary support fund by sending to:


LCMS OIM -Missionary Support                                             

PO Box    790089                                                                                           

St. Louis, MO 63179-0089                                                                          

(Designate: Winterle  60606)                                                                                  


Building Funds

Lutheran Church in Murrema.

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